Individualized Functional Nutritional Counseling
Healthy eating for life begins with making healthy food choices. Let Gooden Healthy Nutrition help you build confidence and knowledge in choosing and eating foods that are right for you. Because that is what will make healthy eating sustainable. So, get started today by choosing a program that’s right for you.
3-Month Program
3-Month Program Installment Plan
Genomic Test Report & Consultation
Gooden Healthy Nutrition (GHN) provides genomic consultation to help you understand how food affects the activity of your genes based on your Personal Genomic Report. Knowing what food to eat, based on the role nutrients play in the expression of genes, will help you achieve healthy eating for life. We offer 3 report options. Choose the one that’s best for you.
* Client is responsible for purchasing a DNA test from Ancestry or 23andMe and giving GHN access to the DNA test data file.