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3 Healthy Ways To Break the Caffeine Habit and Still Feel Energetic

Need a cup of coffee or a double-shot latte to get energized in the morning? Need even more caffeine throughout the day to keep you going? Perhaps by the end of the day you realize that you have consumed over six cups of your favorite caffeinated drinks. Are you feeling jittery? Maybe have heartburn or indigestion? Trouble sleeping? If this sounds familiar, you may be consuming too much caffeine and have become dependent on it to keep up your energy. This blog post presents ways for strategically increasing your energy without the use of caffeine.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in over 60 plant species. It is contained in the leaves and seeds of coffee and tea plants. It is also manufactured and used as an additive to soda, energy drinks, and some medications. It can be taken in capsule, tablet, or powder form. Caffeine is also considered a drug which causes your central nervous system to increase the number of message signals that are sent and received from the brain. This activity usually results in the sensation of energy and alertness.

There’s nothing wrong with a daily cup of coffee for a quick jolt of energy—and it tastes good, too! However, relying on excessive amounts of caffeine can make you feel tired when the supply isn’t kept up. So, here are few tips to help you wean off caffeine.

Tip #1: Start slow

Set a realistic goal. You might decide to have just one cup of coffee in the morning at breakfast. You may also find it helpful to substitute one caffeinated drink with a non-caffeinated alternative, such as decaf coffee, green or black tea, herbal tea, seltzer, or sparkling water. Another non-caffeinated beverage you might try is: Four Sigmatic Instant Mushroom Coffee.

Tip #2: Eat a healthy diet

Another way to get energy without the use of caffeine is to fuel your body with nutrient dense foods, such as whole fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. For example, avocados and whole grain cereals (such as oatmeal) contain nutrients that will help to counteract your fatigue and keep your blood sugar level stable. These foods are great sources of essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber which are needed to fuel your body, and keep you energized throughout the day. Also, reducing processed foods that are high in sugar and saturated fats is helpful.

Tip #3: Take supplements

While nutritional supplements are not meant to replace quality foods, there may be factors that make it difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your diet. There are supplements to naturally boost your energy without the need for caffeine. The vitamins and minerals contained in these supplements work by increasing energy production at the cellular level include CoQ10 [1], magnesium [2], vitamin D, B-complex, and L-Carnitine [3].

The suggestions presented in this article are some of the natural ways to achieve steady and sustained energy without caffeine. Remember that caffeine is a drug, not just a beverage. Making behavioral changes that include reducing caffeine consumption and eating healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates, can significantly improve your energy level and quality of life.

It is important to discuss any dietary changes with your health care provider, as changes may affect your medical conditions.


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